My Costa Rican Experience

Having spent the last few years feeling very restless and not sure in what direction my life was heading, I started researching voluntary work overseas but found the costs of 'gap year' companies extortionate. Delving deeper I found some superb projects, particularly Rancho Mastatal in Costa Rica, I emailed in an application for voluntary work and very luckily was offered a three month internship starting in January 2010. I am very excited but also feeling rather nervous, as I am sure I will be the oldest intern ever!!.....I will be 51 when I go and even though I am quite fit and strong, I just hope I will be able to keep up with the other interns. This is their web address
This is my story and hopefully the start of not just one but other new experiences for me.
Philippa x

Monday, 25 January 2010


Those that know me well are aware that I a little crazy over laundering my clothes etc. I cannot wear anything new until I have washed it and I do like everything to smell good. I prefer to line dry my washing and am so particular about pegs to the point that each item has to have matching coloured  pegs, I even had to tell my good friend next door to match her pegs!! Well here we wash in cold water either using a hand cranked machine or by hand, my washing smells nice but nothing is clean but the worst part is the pegs, there are never enough and they are all totally different....uggh